Saturday, 10 August 2013


What is Success? “It has never been MINE”
In this different ways, people do DEFINE…
Some see Success as money to their NAME,
Or as end of reaching the FAME…

“Success is never temporary”, I heard someone Say,
Coz if it isn’t Permanent, You’re still not at the Bay…
Set your dreams printed in your Heart,
Follow your actions to achieve That…
Always choose the toughest Path,
With those difficulties, You’ll have a grooming Bath…

Stick to HOPE like BEES on FLOWER,
And talk of it, in life’s every HOUR…
For, this dear friend is the greatest POWER,
That lets You reach the Success TOWER…
Remember one thing dear, always TRY,
To wipe tears that stays in Your EYE…

Success lies in being Happy, after losing the GAME,
Success lies in giving Credit & taking up the BLAME…
Success lies in enjoying the JOURNEY,
Not in reaching the Hall of FAME…