Monday, 16 September 2013

A Very Unusual Nightmare!!!

                  I was in deep dreams. All of a sudden something loud woke me up. I rubbed my eyes and picked my mobile placed beside my pillow to check the time. It was about 6 in the morning. Looking at the window I noticed a bit of sun rays entering the room. Being sleepy, I thought of resting a bit more. In a fraction of second I was shattered with a huge sound just like a bomb blasting at my building.  In sheer tension I woke up to take guard of what happened. And again!!! There was a huge sound that literally vibrated the 9-stored building.  It was a fierce lightning followed by huge thunder. I was horrified. Taking some courage I went to the window to see what’s going on.
                 What I saw was beyond my exception. The sun was out. It was a bright day, but still it was raining heavily.  And then came another loud thrilling sound!!!  The loudest of the three… I ran to the other room to see what my roomy was doing. He was sitting in his bed totally confused, no knowing what to do. The first word that came from his mouth was, “I never heard of such huge thunders before”. I replied, ”Same here bro.”
                 There was yet another thunder, and this time it felt as if it hit my building. The vibration was more, and the sound even more. I went to the window and saw the air, filled with smoke… I was frightened.
I became restless when I found that the thunder hit a similar building just beside ours.  Inspecting from the window I found that it had hit the lightning conductor in that building. I came back to bed, covered myself with my blanket, and started chanting some mantras. The lightning and thunders continued to explode. After about 20 minutes, the sounds slowly started to mute.
                I caught sleep in the mean while, and it was again a sound that woke me, but this time it was the alarm clock that buzzed at 7:30. I went straight to the window to examine things.
To my disbelief, it was a bright day, with no clouds at all, and it just looked as if I had some nightmare… I woke my roomy up quickly to show him how the weather changed so drastically. He was surprised as well. It was one of the most Terrifying and Unusual days of my life!!!

              There are goose-bumps all over my body at this moment. I still can’t believe what happened in the morning!!!

Sunday, 15 September 2013


Android or iOS??? This is the most common question of any individual around the globe, who wants to buy a smart phone.
Well, having a look at the recent market share, Android bags the market with a tremendous 75% global market share, where iOS bags only 14.9%. However there is a good increase in the number of sales in the iOS Smartphone’s category.
The basic difference that any Android user finds over an iOS user is the user-friendliness.  On one hand we find many new up gradations, with new apps, whereas, the other one stands out for status.  iOS has been consistently targeting the ‘Multitasking’ feature to grab customer’s attention.  The most separating factor that determines the market share of both the OS is the number of updates and innovations that they have. An Android user is also very open to many new apps and non-“Google Play” apps, which lacks in the iOS Operating System.
It’s going to be a fun affair to see, how the much awaited iOS 7 gets reviewed by users. However, it’s a must needed game changing strategy from the manufacturer, who have tried hard to get some very sharp changes like equally competent interface, and  the new sense of multitasking(which lacked earlier). However, Android still has a strong hold over the Customizability, where the customers are free to do a lot of experience, which iOS adds limit to.

You may call it copying or setting up new strategies, but iOS can really have a edge over Android if they keep making such changes and innovations on a constant mode,  and may be who knows what we are going to witness in this war of mobile OS?

Thursday, 5 September 2013

My DREAMS, on the way to REALITY...

"I was in the spotlight and the management of my company put forth a party, in completion of implementation of Quality Management System(QMS). The project was led by me. The Top level management(MD), invited me to narrate the success story and to put forth, the upcoming plans of the project. Just as I walked to the spotlight, my steps became heavy. I tried to re-collect the difficulties faced in completing the project before due date.

I was at the center stage. Spotlight was on me. The eyes of everyone sitting in the auditorium patiently waited to see the success story, and their ears eagerly waiting to listen what I speak. I didn't knew how to start and what to speak. I was completely numb. 

I closed my eye and remembered the words of my trainer, conversing with the General Manager during the initial days of my training, "I see a lot of spark in Bireswar's eyes, but he is being under-utilized." I opened my eyes, took a long deep breath.
I started,"Good Evening!!! ......................................................................................................."

All of a sudden I heard a very high tone ringing in my ears. 

ALAS!!!! It was just a dream. My hands automatically went to stop the alarm in my mobile phone.
Oh!!! I wondered. I have my auditing test today. I assured myself that the dream I saw was still far away (A popular phrase in Hindi to explain it : Delhi abhi door hai).
On its Context, my mind dragged me to a superstitious belief that a dream seen at early morning is more liable to be converted to reality. 

I went to office like any usual day. It was the day when the QMS internal auditing body were to be declared. To get a name in the body requires a bit of homework to do.I remembered my efforts last night (I realized that even I didn't knew when I felt asleep during my preparations). With a lot of confidence I entered the training hall. The day processed with training and finally, it was result time. 
I not only got a name into the auditors list, but was also chosen a Team leader.

Was it the early morning dream that put forth a way to what I saw in it? Or was it the result of my sincere efforts in order to learn something new? I'm still to find out the answer, but this incident really set  a way to get to the LIMELIGHT I dream't of.