I was in deep dreams. All of a sudden something loud woke me
up. I rubbed my eyes and picked my mobile placed beside my pillow to check the
time. It was about 6 in the morning. Looking at the window I noticed a bit of
sun rays entering the room. Being sleepy, I thought of resting a bit more. In a
fraction of second I was shattered with a huge sound just like a bomb blasting
at my building. In sheer tension I woke
up to take guard of what happened. And again!!! There was a huge sound that
literally vibrated the 9-stored building.
It was a fierce lightning followed by huge thunder. I was horrified.
Taking some courage I went to the window to see what’s going on.
What I
saw was beyond my exception. The sun was out. It was a bright day, but still it
was raining heavily. And then came
another loud thrilling sound!!! The
loudest of the three… I ran to the other room to see what my roomy was doing.
He was sitting in his bed totally confused, no knowing what to do. The first
word that came from his mouth was, “I never heard of such huge thunders
before”. I replied, ”Same here bro.”
There was yet another thunder, and this time it felt as if
it hit my building. The vibration was more, and the sound even more. I went to
the window and saw the air, filled with smoke… I was frightened.
I became restless when I found that the thunder hit a
similar building just beside ours. Inspecting
from the window I found that it had hit the lightning conductor in that
building. I came back to bed, covered myself with my blanket, and started chanting
some mantras. The lightning and thunders continued to explode. After about 20
minutes, the sounds slowly started to mute.
I caught sleep in the mean while, and it was again a sound
that woke me, but this time it was the alarm clock that buzzed at 7:30. I went straight
to the window to examine things.
To my disbelief, it was a bright day, with no clouds at all,
and it just looked as if I had some nightmare… I woke my roomy up quickly to
show him how the weather changed so drastically. He was surprised as well. It
was one of the most Terrifying and Unusual days of my life!!!