Sunday, 15 September 2013


Android or iOS??? This is the most common question of any individual around the globe, who wants to buy a smart phone.
Well, having a look at the recent market share, Android bags the market with a tremendous 75% global market share, where iOS bags only 14.9%. However there is a good increase in the number of sales in the iOS Smartphone’s category.
The basic difference that any Android user finds over an iOS user is the user-friendliness.  On one hand we find many new up gradations, with new apps, whereas, the other one stands out for status.  iOS has been consistently targeting the ‘Multitasking’ feature to grab customer’s attention.  The most separating factor that determines the market share of both the OS is the number of updates and innovations that they have. An Android user is also very open to many new apps and non-“Google Play” apps, which lacks in the iOS Operating System.
It’s going to be a fun affair to see, how the much awaited iOS 7 gets reviewed by users. However, it’s a must needed game changing strategy from the manufacturer, who have tried hard to get some very sharp changes like equally competent interface, and  the new sense of multitasking(which lacked earlier). However, Android still has a strong hold over the Customizability, where the customers are free to do a lot of experience, which iOS adds limit to.

You may call it copying or setting up new strategies, but iOS can really have a edge over Android if they keep making such changes and innovations on a constant mode,  and may be who knows what we are going to witness in this war of mobile OS?

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